Picture of iPhone showing the Fertility App front page

The Fertility Astrology app is available on iTunes and Android


A world first – there is nothing else like it available!

Falling pregnant is something we take for granted –
until we struggle with it.

The Fertility Astrology app can tell anyone who wants
to know what their ideal fertile times for conception will
be in the year ahead – within minutes.

Timing is everything. Astrology and conception
are all about cycles and timing.

Many couples struggling with infertility will have to make a decision about when to have treatment and whether or not that treatment will be In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Artificial Insemination, or a home plan. Time will need to be taken off work and vacation plans will need to be shifted.  Very often a large part of the stress involved is who decides when to cycle.  This fertility app should make this decision really easy.

Through a complex methodology developed by Nicola Smuts Allsop over the past 17 years, using medieval astrology as a base, the Fertility Astrology app uniquely provides couples with up to three astrologically fertile times in which to try to conceive for the next 365 days, per once off purchase. For the times for each following year or for different partner configurations, re-purchase is required.

Couples will enter their birth time, date and place into the app, fill out a short medical questionnaire and within minutes the app will give a page of results of the these times, listed in chronological order.  These times are very specific to you AND your gestational partner’s birth charts the app takes both charts into consideration and the results will be a combination of the birth data entered. The Fertility Astrology app can be applied to any family type – male+female; female+female, male+male, surrogate and egg donor – this is also unique!

The information available on the app also helps to educate and prompt the user to investigate medical conditions that might be affecting the infertility of both partners.

There are other fertility-related apps available but they do not make use of the same methodology to pin point these astrologically fertile times.

Nicola is available for an hour-long consultation via Skype should purchasers require more in-depth information and guidance, as well as three years’ worth of timings for high fertility and IVF planning.


“I’m hoping that health practitioners will use the app with their clients to improve their chances of falling pregnant,” says Nicola Smuts Allsop of Fertility Astrology. “Astrologers can also use this an additional tool for their clients.”